Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Great Sabateur

Asked to name the oppressive character who rules my mind a greater part of the time than I'd like, I drew this 4 page comic.  With Elf, Yeara, and Sophia's help, they made it easy!  I am thankful for their warm fuzzy company daily.  The switch of human and dog heads has been occurring lately.  I am letting it come and go in my work, hoping it will make its meaning clear in hindsight.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Falling From The Sky...

My merry dogs are at it again.  

Simple pleasures are the norm, generally.

Here is a step into the world of Elfie and Yeara, which I translated as best as I could with their encouragement. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fairies are reappearing...

When the fairies speak, I listen.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Visiting the Tree People...

This is the first from a series of Tree Comics I did starting last year.  It was a very private comic.  Some of those who read it didn't think it held enough of a universal appeal.  They couldn't relate, and thought it was too much like a personal journal entry.

Well, maybe that is what it is - a very personal moment in the woods of my experience.  Today, I spent hours in the woods, soaking in the greens and even tearing up a bit at times... It felt like more "over-personal" moments which, as an artist, I don't mind sharing...

Monday, September 8, 2008

I wanted it all, and I wanted it NOW!

My internal youngster soaks everything in and readies herself to grab fists of pens, brushes, cutters and pencils to get it all down NOW. She loves to "run with the pack" - both inside her head and out with other artists and artists' projects.  
(see artist's internal 3 year old at work above...)

My older self wants to close the door on these overwhelming possibilities and adore a singe pen nib on an 8" x 10" surface until the end of time, hoping to coax inexpressible beauty from its tip before that happens.

Balance.  Choose one career and allow for spontaneity within that?  Or, choose two or more careers and cut down on the variety of mediums to become proficient at?  Balance. 


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A Gentle Approach to Changing Times

Had a wonderful dinner out with 2 long time raw fooders last week and ended up having a backlash with my eating habits.  I thought to cut down on my added salt consumption, and, instead, ate heavily salted food each day since then.  I have new things to think about around this rebellious self as I work to live more lightly on the earth.  Here is a cartoon I drew for its gentle approach to change. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Turning Over a New Leaf - Making a New Commitment

My comics are coming along.  This nose is finally finding its way to the grindstone.  Could one grind one's nose to a nub if one continues in this way for years?  No complaints yet.  I'm actually enjoying the challenges!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Slow and Steady Wins the Race...

I've had a wonderful week at the studio - 9 pencilled pages and 2 inked.  

 Feed the Spirit first - is my new mantra. 

Here is a soul feeding cartoon that has helped me define the importance of finding that home within as well as without.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Summer Full of Uncertainty...

The subject of Co-Housing remains a steady, rather turbulent, undercurrent in my thoughts, as summer progresses with its unusually stormy weather patterns.  Very appropriate, though I'm not sure if this will become paralysing to my creative process if it keeps up.  Hopefully, I will learn how to move forward with more faith when large forks in the road, such as this, present themselves.

Here is a comic done in the safety of my imagination, as I idealized a life I wanted to live a year ago.  And I ask myself, can this be this a foreshadowing of things to come?  It surprises me how often my mind turns over possible futures in the form of dreams, daydreams, and art, which start a conscious emotional yearning to become part of that "something more."

Friday, July 18, 2008

Where Does the Time Go?

I have been working on lots of Comics this past year. I have published a few and plan on publishing a collection when I have completed enough short pieces. I'm beginning with a piece here which shows my new immersion in the ups and downs of co-housing. So, it can be added to my list of interests I include in the subjects of my work.